Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Desert

The Bible has so many references to the desert with so many meanings that it shares.  I actually live in a desert so those parts of the bible say a lot to me because I can relate to them in so many different ways.  I see God in the desert each day, in what is created there and the wildlife that share that desert.  I also can relate in my heart to the desert, to those times where it seems God has stepped out and you do not feel His presence so strongly.  The other night when I was texting with my daughter who is experiencing some really hard times she told me she was feeling Psalm 113 clear to her toes lately.  I assured her I had been there and we had a very nice "talk" which I believe she took to heart.

Those desert times when you feel Psalm 113 clear to your toes have proven to be very special times in my life as I look back.  Times I dug deeper than ever, totally immersed myself in Him and His word so as not to feel alone.  I believe we grow very deep roots during this time of digging deep, we search out the living water of the Holy Spirit to refresh us.  Those deep roots build our faith so very much and give us strength to withstand storms in life.  I have found that after being in the desert I can dance in the rain of the storms knowing He is there so deeply that I celebrate Him.

I see in my reading the Bible that there are so many known for their great faith and it seems they were always taken to the desert in one way or another.  Sometimes that desert time feels as if it is failure and we are not sure how or when we will come back out of it.  If we lean on Him, dig deeper for what we can learn we find we come out of the desert so very much stronger than we went in but it is not our strength but His that carries us, self has been stripped away and we rejoice in His strength instead of our own.  I think I could write forever about the desert and what I have learned in the physical desert and that spiritual desert as well.  I am so very thankful for my desert experiences.  I know so very deeply it is all Him and about Him.  I do so love Him so!


  1. I love the way you feel about God and how you are growing in seeing him in everything.

  2. Cyndi you are such a wise, godly woman. Your daughter is blessed.

  3. Thank you both for your thoughtful comments! I still have such a long way to go but I am truly loving the journey. My guide is incomparable! What better guide than the creator of all I see and am! What an amazing ride!

  4. Who is like our LORD...? Thanks for sharing your desert insights Cyndi.

    1. No one! He is indescribably more than we can even dream of! I am glad you enjoyed my desert rambling sweet lady! Thanks for taking the time to comment too!

  5. The desert has been a big part of my life it seems. Thanks for this post. I just found your site after following you on twitter. I will try to be back often.

    1. I have spent much time in the desert as well pretty lady. At least we are in good company as so many of those used by God also spent time in the desert including our Savior. Keep reaching deep for Him and what He has to teach you. He is there loving you through it even if it seems you are alone! ~hugsnprayers~
