Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Speaking Blessings instead of curses

I really was not sure what to name this one.  I just know I have always had a hard time understanding why we are to speak blessings over someone that hurts us or is horribly inconsiderate like the guy that cuts you off in traffic.  Why in the world would we pray for God to bless them when they are so thoughtless and need to come to their senses and change their behavior?

The verse Romans 2:4 came to mind about how the goodness of God leads us to repentance.  I don't know about you but somehow I always read that to say in essence that God loving us is what brings us to salvation.  That is not what it says though, is it.   It really does apply to this situation.

We want this thoughtless inconsiderate person to change their behavior before we pray blessings over them. It is our nature to feel this way.  I am finding it is not God's nature to feel this way though.  Basically we want their repentance to lead to the goodness of God and yet His word says it just the opposite.  If I truly want them to change their behavior (or repent) what does God's word say leads them to that according to this verse?  The goodness of God is the answer.

Be patient Lord, I am learning!  I will pray blessings on those people and pray that you are so good to them that it changes them like your love has changed me.  Thank you Lord for giving me insight once again about a portion of your word that I did not understand.  Your ways are so much higher than mine and you prove it so very often!


  1. This could not come at a better time Sister. I do not curse people but I do tend to cut them out of my life. It is so easy for me to forgive those I know...and yet the ghosts that come into our lives that hurt those around us...I find it hard to forgive or even understand how they could do such a thing to those whom I love dearly. I see the unbelievable love that those people have poured out on other's and then to watch someone be cruel to them...it is really hard on me....Your words are like honey on a sore that has slowly been festering for a while now...it is like you have lanced it and now maybe it can heal...Thank you! Wish you would post this on "Soaring on Eagle's Wings" I am sure it can talk to many people! Thank you again and many blessings.

    1. Funny, you never sign your comments and yet I always know who it is. Perhaps because our hearts are so connected. ;) You are much like me in that it is far easier to forgive someone that hurts us than someone we love. We are just a tad protective but we need to trust that God will work in the situation, give it to Him then let it go. I am glad you liked this post. It came to me after Brian was growling at someone in traffic and I teasingly told him to bless them instead and he did not like the answer....honestly I have not liked that command much either so you know me.....off to God's lap to figure it out! lol This is where I ended up with it and although I am sure I will still struggle with it at times I do understand it more now. Sure love ya lady!
