Monday, July 2, 2012

My Life is His Garden

It has been a hard week.  That saying "when it rains, it pours" seemed like it was written just for me.  I oftentimes tell people that saying is true but it is also true of blessings.  God can and will rain blessings on our lives at times.  This was not bringing me much encouragement.  I felt as if one of the biggest blessings in my life could be taken from me at any moment.  Knowing he would be dancing with Jesus was not bringing me much encouragement either.  I was hurting so badly.

Our vehicle was not cooperating either.  We finally got the entire bottom end rebuilt and still having oil pressure issues but at least it was running.  We went to run some errands and on the way back the clutch went out.....right before a red light!  I was screaming inside and yet we knew if we turned it off we were stuck as we could not push start it.  If the clutch is not pushed in it will not start period.  We got through the first light as there was very little traffic and we were turning right.  Okay, two more stop lights, a railroad crossing, a stop sign and about 10 miles to the house.  My mind remembered every wide place in the road directly before a stop light or stop sign.  We only had to pull off and circle for one red light.  Next is the gate at the house.  Oh boy!  Me in my flip flops jumping out of a moving vehicle next to an irrigation canal.  I gotta tell ya, it was rather comical!  No injuries, just a step stumble NONgraceful landing and I had the gate open. Brian circled the truck and came back and parked it in the shade.  We fixed the clutch.

As I went to bed last night I was reading as usual and when I saw "Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice" I cried out to God.  "Even when it seems shit is coming from every direction??"  Yes, I said shit to God and thankfully He puts up with me even in those mouthy moods.  He impressed upon me that His word also says we should rejoice during trials and tribulations.  Even then Lord??  Even now??  This was the beginning of a long talk which I will try to share with you what I learned.

His answer to my question as to whether to rejoice even during the shit storms was "especially then, especially now".  I am His garden and I am to bring forth fruit in my life.  Well any of us farm kids or gardeners know that "shit" is just another word for fertilizer.  We also know that fertilizer burns if there is no water and will ruin a crop quickly.  How do I water it Lord?  Water is often used in His word to refer to the Holy Spirit.  Waters coming forth from inside us or the Living Water are used many times to talk of the Holy Spirit.  Okay, so I need the Holy Spirit flowing to water this fertilizer in order to keep it from burning so I can bring forth fruit in my life.  What is the best way to bring the Holy Spirit close and flowing in my life??  Praise of course, is the best way!  The Holy Spirit inhabits our praise!  Okay, so the more fertilizer I have on my garden (or my life) the more water (or Living Water) I need in order to produce fruit!

Yes Lord, now I understand why we are to praise You even in the storms of life, especially in the storms!  Thank you Lord for sharing your heart and helping me to understand how now when I am hurting it is the most important to praise you!  You are so patient and loving with me and soooo worthy of my praise!  Thank you Lord for all you do but mostly for who you ARE!  You are indescribable and I am so very thankful for your love!  Let my life be your garden and always let me be good soil to plant seeds in so that I may understand you more and share you with others!


  1. Wonderful attitude. It's not always easy. Life is frustrating and challenging at times. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I happen to know part of that fruit is joy and I definitely want that in my life so that helps! ;) Thank you for taking the time to comment! Be blessed!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Yes Cyndi it is so comes at us fairly fast and can punch a hole not only in our hearts and spirits...but is it not amazing how when we cry out for mercy....God hears our collective cries....and keeps our precious with us. Thank you God for Your Mercy and Understanding. Thank you most of all to Cyndy who joined in prayer for a common Blessing. Hugs my good friends better days are coming ♥♥♥

    4. We are so very blessed indeed! ~hugs to you both as well~

  2. Just lost a long comment will try again later!


    1. I hate it when those long comments run off! Get some rest and I will watch for your reply later. I value your input greatly on all things our Lord shares with us. You are so very loved sweet man!

  3. He is always wirh you, He will not forsake you!

    I had resigned myself to going home, but He apparently has more work for me to do!

    He hears our heart's but it is GOOD to keep a constant conversation going.

    He is my stength, my savior and my Lord, He is the potter and I am the clay! Use me Lord!

    Praise His many names!

    1. I am so very glad to hear that Bill because I sure can't imagine my life without you being a part of it and selfish as it may be I am determined to hold onto ya as long as He sees fit! ;) God is sooooo good!

  4. We were just talking about this the last few days. It took me years to get this. I would call a sister in Christ and say "ok, why do I praise God when bad stuff is happening?" I know now and it is in my heart, no more not understanding. This would be a good teaching for these times. Great movement of God for His people who seek it, usually means great movement of the enemy so you wont. I know what I want!
    Blessings, Kris

    1. It is a hard lesson to learn for sure. I have managed to praise Him during tough times before but I did not truly understand why He asked us to until last night. It was a precious time with Him when He took the time to explain why He tells us to praise during those times. I can't get over how very precious and loving He is with me when I am so often not "getting it" and it seems He would tire of my endless questions. I am so very blessed!

  5. Praise God for the work He does in you thereby allowing you to pass on these Golden Nuggets to the rest of us!! As I stated on your is when we are the most vulnerable that we are surrounded by God's grace. It is easy to go to Him in Praise and delight when everything is wonderful and all is flowing smoothly in our little corner of the world. But, as you pointed out and took me a very long time to learn, it is more difficult and almost confusing to remember to praise Him during the storms of life. Our vulnerability makes us more open to His teachings, leadings, guidings, and our faith grows exponentially as we trust Him to help us conquer..or allow Him to conquer..our battles. He knows our troubles long before we ever begin to converse with Him about them...He has already seen. But waits ever patiently for that first resigned "Lord, I need you." The control freak in us no longer wresting control of our lives away from He who created us for His pleasure...we become humble and pleasing in His sight..and the comfort comes. Bless you for sharing your trials with us, for being able to laugh at some of it, and for sharing your personal dialog with us!!!!! Keep posting...I, for one, will keep reading!! God's Peace and All His Blessings!!!!

    1. Well said Linda! We learn so much and grow so much during those storms! I love that song "Praise You In The Storm" as it speaks to this time we grow as well. Thanks so much for your comments and insight! Be blessed sweet lady!
